
Sunday, May 30, 2010

SBL Retroglide

¹ Born to be Wild:



pansypoo said...

i suppose i should watch that one of these years.

the farmer said...

sometimes they'll run it on the turner classic movie channel.


pansypoo said...

please. that would suck.

the farmer said...

please. that would suck.

Well, ok then. These are the kind of really great comments that I look forward to here.


mike in pr said...

I like to watching Easy Rider with a bit of weed.

Heading north for a few weeks to visit family and to celelebrate St. Gabriel's class of '55's 55th with my fellow 55ers.

pansypoo said...


so many movies to see.....

the farmer said...

Theres a good documentary about the Black Blizzards (dust storms) of the 1930s on the History International channel.


pjk said...

If it is indeed Easy Rider (I'm too challenged to open the "X" boxes), you need better weed than was commonly available at the time of its filming.

That movie flat-out sucks ass when you're stone cold sober. 4th movie at the SBL Drive-In.

And I'd be risking an Intervention if I got tuned up to watch it on the schedule I can handle another run at The Good, Bad etc, The Wild Bunch, the beginning of Stripes, or the occasional 1hr ass-plant to revisit Godfather I and II.

But III? Gimme an old Michael Caine or Sean Connery movie I haven't seen yet, then ones I have, or as a last resort...

Easy Rider. And some weed.

And a family member or friend who plunks down on the couch and determines it sucks ass under ANY circumstances, and leaves to do laundry or cat pan cleaning instead. Better them than me!

pansypoo said...

i enjoyed him talking art on the fresh air memorial interviews.

is that why most movies suck? i'm not stoned?

pjk said...

That's not why they suck, pansy-

but at least being somewhat altered lessens the feeling that you just lost an hour or two of your life for no good reason.

There's also the "So Bad Equals Must See" variety, but those are mostly older. Watch with friends, and you have the MST3K home version.