I wasn't expecting this much snow. I measured 14-16 inches of snow on a picnic table in my back yard and on the ground next to it. Haven't seen or heard a snow plow at all tonight and the road disappeared a long time ago so I know there is at least a foot of snow on that. And it's still snowing.
It was also around this time last year that (See: The Great Snowicane of Feb 26, 2010) the Snow Demon came to visit. Except that last year the TV weather wankers invented all kinds of awesome graphics and excitable pre-event buzz to go with the show. Not this time though.
ok, i won't complain about our 1 1/2 inch last week.
just in time for ice dam season!
ice dams and plenty rain coming too. looks like you'll get a lot of that in a day or two. and that storm will move east and set up a lot like the one we had last night for another NE storm on the 10th or 11th. and there are one or two big looking storms in the long range forecast models for the NE around the first day of spring (20th-23rd).
The local & national meteorologists probably know a lot more about meteors than what's gonna happen in the next 12-24 hours.
They all suck. The best they can do is don the apropriate gear to do "idiot on the spot" live shots.
Yours sounds like ours from a month ago, farmer. Better sharpen the teeth in that pic. And-
ain't it nice when your tax dollars go to pay plow drivers to sit on their dead asses for 15.5 hours a day, because only 1st shift matters?
cut is the only thing republicans are willing to do.
Yeah. Like your fiscal throat.
Let's make Every day Bring Your Kids To Work day!
The Party of really bad, self-serving ideas. Your tax dollars at work- if you can call it that.
but they save fetuses.
Don't let Phil the groundhog off the hook either.
Boy did we ever get out of Dodge in time this year. The weather ha been just about perfect down here the since we returned.
oh shut up mike.
did i mention i walked barefoot thru snow today?
So? I walk barefoot through the sand every day.
No bare feet for me yet. It's still snowing but there was a skunk under the bird feeder scratching around in the snow for sunflower seeds about a half hour ago. First sign of spring.
I tried to take a picture but he ran off under a bush before i could get it.
Unfortunately, what is happening in Japan now is bound to happen in the future in Puerto Rico. It's just a matter of time. In the meantime, the weather's fine.
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