From Mother Jones this conversation with (now former) Indiana deputy attorney general Jeff Cox.
On Saturday night, when Mother Jones staffers tweeted a report that riot police might soon sweep demonstrators out of the Wisconsin capitol building—something that didn't end up happening—one Twitter user sent out a chilling public response: "Use live ammunition."
From my own Twitter account, I confronted the user, JCCentCom. He tweeted back that the demonstrators were "political enemies" and "thugs" who were "physically threatening legally elected officials." In response to such behavior, he said, "You're damned right I advocate deadly force." He later called me a "typical leftist," adding, "liberals hate police."
Only later did we realize that JCCentCom was a deputy attorney general for the state of Indiana.
In his nonpolitical tweets and blog posts, Cox displays a keen litigator's mind, writing sharply and often wittily on military history and professional basketball. But he evinces contempt for political opponents—from labeling President Obama an "incompetent and treasonous" enemy of the nation to comparing "enviro-Nazis" to Osama bin Laden, likening ex-Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Service Employees International Union members to Nazi "brownshirts" on multiple occasions,...
Oh yeah, he's a regular shiny tack when it comes to history ain't he. Comparing the Service Employees Internationl Union to brownshirts? Let's visit some actual history on the subject of brownshirts and labor unions. From The Coming Of The Third Reich, by Richard Evans:
[page 355] With the Communists already effectively out of the way since 28 February, and the Enabling Act in force, the regime now turned its attention to the Social Democrats and the trade unions. They had already been subjected to widespread arrests, beatings, intimidations, even murder, and to the occupation of their premises and the banning of their newspapers. Now the full fury of the Nazis was turned upon them. They were in no condition to resist. The ability to work together with the unions had been crucial to the Social Democrats in defeating the Kapp putsch in 1920. But it was no longer present in the spring of 1933. Both wings of the labour movement had been united in their disapproval of the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933. And both had suffered similar acts of violence and repression in the following two months, with trade union premises being occupied and trashed by gangs of stormtroopers in growing numbers. Up to 25 March, according to the unions themselves, union offices had been occupied by brownshirts, SS or police units in 45 separate towns throughout the Reich. Such pressure was the most direct possible threat to the continued existence of the unions as the functional representatives of the workers in negotiating pay and conditions with their employers.
[page 357-358] In early April the Nazis had already begun secret preparations for takeover of the entire trade union movement. On 17 April Goebbels noted in his diary:"On 1 May we shall arrange May Day as a grandiose demonstration of the German people's will. On 2 May the trade union offices will be occupied. Co-ordination in this area too. There might possibly be a row for a few days, but then they will belong to us. We must make no allowances any more. We are only doing the workers a service when we free them from the parasitic leadership that has only made their life hard up to now. Once the trade unions are in our hands the other parties and organizations will not be able to hold out for much longer."
On 2 May 1933 brownshirts and SS men stormed into every Social Democratic-oriented trade union office in the land, took over all the trade union newspapers and periodicals, and occupied all the branches of the trade union bank. Leipart and the other leading union officials were arrested and taken into 'protective custody' in concentration camps, where many of them were beaten up and brutally humiliated before being released a week or two later. In a particularly horrific incident, stormtroopers beat four trade union officials to death in the cellar of the trade union building in Duisburg on 2 May. The entire management of the movement and its assets was placed in the hands of the Nazi factory cell organization. On 4 May the Christian Trade Unions and all other union institutions placed themselves unconditionally under Hitler's leadership.
[page 361] With the crushing of the labour movement, the Nazis, assisted by the state's law enforcement agencies and the sympathetic inaction of the armed forces, had removed the most serious obstacle to their establishment of a one-party state.
Also amusing is Cox's reference to "CentCom" in his dress up like mister tough guy online identity.
The United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) is a theater-level Unified Combatant Command unit of the U.S. armed forces, established in 1983 under the operational control of the U.S. Secretary of Defense. It was originally conceived of as the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (RDJTF). (Wiki)
More at TPM including screen shots of JCCentCom's twittering keyboard combat command tweets.
also Hitler got rid of unions. so the backwards swastica was right.
Sounds like our "legally elected officials" around here who Know Best what their underlings want.
Pro- Everything that God, Gunz n' Country folks like. At first.
Another visionary lost. Perhaps he can get speaking or talk radio gigs.
may going to far bite them in the ass. how many will turn away from fux gnews?
maybe he'll get a job cleaning Glenn Becks chalkboards.
farmer- thanks to your sidebar, I got to read a little more than I needed to confirm my dislike for our boy Scott.
TBogg or No More Mr Nice Blog hit it squarely (if not both). The whole "this is our moment" shit really sealed the deal for me.
Brownshirts. Heh. ScentCom? Almost as funny as replacing "spell" with smell in any good song.
More like Red Power Tie and the Company Haircut. Worship corporations like the mutants paid homage to the ICBM in the 2nd Planet of the Apes flick.
I'd like to be able to send the video snippet of Cold Mountain to all those good Wisconsinites who voted in the KochWhore, with Renee talking about calling down the rain. I hope it bites more of them, but I doubt it.
We got us our own Palin here, sure as Eric Cantor is the evil twin of Steven Colbert.
a protester said it right. THIS is class warfare out in the open. that needs to be repeated. AGAIN + AGAIN.
Well, I belong to the SEIU. And I own some brown shirts.
Well, I belong to the SEIU. And I own some brown shirts.
Oh yeah? Hmmmm. Sounds like a possible fashion violation. You sleep in a red union suit on a bed of straw beneath a white cotton sheet, too?
brown or beige?
Wow. The last one was so vague as to sound like it came from Madame Cleo.
Who can tell what the future holds, so stock up on bootleg dick pills, Mon!
mike, dr., farmer, pansy, and others- it isn't about the color of your shirts; it's more like either (a) the color your clothes will become after bleach and detergent hit a speculators list, or (b) the color of our legislator's hearts.
Faves from the weekend of talking heads were "cowardly" in reference to our AWOL reps, and courageous re; Walker's actions, by- you guessed it- Americans for Prosperity.
You gotta have serious financial backing to rebut your hand puppet's decrees one by one.
Not you, pansy- the deleted one.
my shirts have been red or orange.
(b) the color of our legislator's hearts.
that would be the equivalent of being shirtless for a lot of them.
have we looked at LEGISLATIVE PENSIONS?
have we looked at LEGISLATIVE PENSIONS?
Wow. The last one was so vague as to sound like it came from Madame Cleo.
pjk: ???? - are you seeing some of the weird spam comment as it flys by? Is that what that means?
flying spam?
flying spam?
Yeah. Spam messages left in the comment threads. Its usually automatically removed by blogger's spam filters but i think sometimes it gets through before its automatically deleted. I save some of it (most of it chinese or russian) because it can be really funny.
It likes to autopost before autodelete, I think.
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