The frogs of September. Pretty soon they'll be hopping a southbound goose. Off to Belize or Belle Glade or Ocala. Then, in 6 months, they will return on a spring nor'easter. I will know when they are back when little tiny colorful imported mexican hammocks appear among the cattails.
(click for the bigger picture)
ha! they are gonna freeze worse than us mammals.
they are gonna freeze worse than us mammals.
but they like it.
unlike me. had to get up early and rewarded w/ a downy woodpecker.
downy woodpeckers and hairy woodpeckers: winter omens.
i took down all the hummingbird feeders. Time for them to start moving along. Time to start baking suet cakes for the woodpeckers. (haven't seen or heard any pileated woodpeckers since spring) Turkeys start moving around alot now, looking for other turkeys. forming their little turkee-town militias.
at least turkey militias are not armed.
they're armed with leg spurs
Ben Franklin suggested the wild turkey as the national bird.
Repugs & TeaBaggers (if there is any difference) make me think he should have suggested Wild Turkey as the national beverage.
We got a few nice big frogs, due to the soft hearts of my wife & daughter, who let about a dozen spend the Winter in a 15 gallon tank, on a diet of crickets.
Those aren't coming back in this year. At best, we will transport them to a nearby pond/county park where they can burrow in deep enough to avoid the Big Chill.
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