– Jet: Not just any private plane will suffice: “The private aircraft MUST BE a Lear 60 or larger (as defined by interior cabin space) for West Coast Events; or, a Hawker 800 or Larger,” for East Coast events. But even if organizers arrange for a private jet, if Palin “changes her mind and opts to fly via commercial flights for US events, the Customer must be prepared to cover the cost of first class round trip airfare for two, and full, unrestricted round trip coach for two.”
– Visiting with heads of state: For international appearances, Palin “reserves the right to visit privately with the host government’s Head of State,” as well as “accept the invitation of [the] host government to overnight at an official residence.”
– Hotels: All hotels have to be “deluxe” and pre-approved by her representatives, with the room booked under an “alias.” Even non-overnight stays require hotel rooms, including a “holding suite” and “one or two single rooms.”
Just like regular hockey mom folks trying to scratch a livin' off the land. You betcha'.
Full list of demands via Think Progress
i thoght it was a talking twat.
Any twat will do in Two Zero One Two. (pumaroar)
i WISH palin was left alone.
No Sprite-stocked cooler? No Fox Channel Only? No bucket-'o-Ambien?
You know, I knew Dick Cheney. He wasn't a friend of mine; he wasn't even a Fox & Friend of mine.
You, Madam, are no Dick Cheney.
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